The Radio Shack?

The Shack? really? there's rumors that the people at Radio Shack are preparing to reinvent the brand, starting with a name change. I'm guessing an unoriginal shiny web 2.0'ish logo will go along with the new name. This trend of the "The ______" needs to die, it doesn't sound young, cool, hip or trendy, and it's not going to trick customers into buying a $30.00 gold plated "The Shack" branded coaxial cable. Most recently it was Pizza Hut which now goes by "The Hut", then it was "it's all about the O", and now this. We all know what happened to Circuit City shortly after becoming "The City". If they're going to rebrand I think they should start where it matters most, which is their product lineup and their customer service.


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